Quick Tip: Here's why Terms and Conditions will save the world

conditions Dec 21, 2020

At a time like this, midst the awful pandemic and multiple lockdowns, the last thing you want to do is read the terms and conditions of Facebook or Instagram after deleting it and downloading it for the umpteenth time.

Although this task is incredibly time-taking and painful, it is one of the only ways you know how your data is being used.

Though many companies like Google and Apple now force you to at least skim through the terms, for most websites and apps it’s very easy to skip them by just clicking a box at the end of the sign-up page.

These terms not only include how your data is utilized but also what are your privileges, rights, and limitations as a user. It’s basically the company’s constitution.

“Assuming it takes a minimum of two minutes to read the License Agreement (which itself is fast) we can be 95% confident no more than 8% of users read the License Agreement in full.” said Jeff Sauro in a blog post on Measuring U .

This is something we have to fix, even if it’s taking up 5 minutes of your day. The usage of your information is something that you need to know and not a matter that you can brush aside.

If you don’t read what is written, you have no idea what you’re agreeing to. The Terms and conditions act as a legally binding contract between the user ( you )and the organization.

So hopefully next time, instead of saying that you’ve read the terms and conditions( but really, you haven’t), you’ll try giving them a go.

Who knows what you’ll find.


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